Signs That You Might Want to Seek Out a Skin Cancer Screening

Skin cancer is not a pleasant subject to think about, but it's also a problem that can be treated and recovered from if the patient detects the problem and seeks out skin cancer treatment early enough. To that end, if you suspect you might have a developing problem, it's important to contact a local expert who can provide skin cancer screening in order to find out exactly what's going on. To that end, here are some of the warning signs that you might want to keep an eye out for. If any of these signs sound like something that is currently going on with you, reach out to a skin cancer treatment or testing center immediately.

A New Mole or Series of Moles or Other Spots That Were Not There Before

Plenty of people have moles or spots on their skin, but they were likely born with many of them as birthmarks or the spots are otherwise something they've had for a very long time and are known to not be an issue. But if you happen to notice brand new moles or spots suddenly developing out of nowhere, this could be a warning sign of trouble. If the spots persist, a dermatologist should inspect the issue and see if it's something that needs further examination.

A Change in Color or Expansion to Existing Moles or Spots

Another warning sign of skin cancer could be something happening to the moles or spots you already have that have previously never been a problem. If you notice a mole turning a strange color, don't ignore it. One tell-tale sign to watch out for specifically is if an existing mole changes to two different colors or if an existing mole expands into an asymmetrical shape. An existing mole that begins to grow is potentially a warning that something bad is going on under the surface.

Cold Sores That Don't Go Away

Watching out for moles and skin spots is a skin cancer prevention method that is commonly known. A less common sign of potential skin cancer is the development of one or more cold sores that never heal. If you've had a sore on your skin for longer than a week or two and it shows no signs of getting better or is even getting worse, get to a dermatologist to investigate the issue. It might be treatable but you might also be referred to a skin cancer screening expert for further evaluation.
